GX-DSZ2 Automatic Level
DSZ2 Automatic Level
  • Equipped with a press button for compensator checking.
  • Dismountable eyepiece, assorted accessories, such as: diagonal Eyepieces.
  • Adopt crossing suspender frame and compensator of air damper.
  • Inside temperature compensation system to ensure high accuracy.
  • Optional: FS1 parallel plate micrometer
Model DSZ2
Magnification 32X

Standard deviation for
1km double run leveling 

Objective aperture 45mm
Field of view 1°30′
Shortest focus distance 1.6m
Compensator type air-damping
Working range of compensator ±14′
Levelling accuracy ±0.3″
Circular vial 8′/2mm
Horizontal circle 360° or 400G for option
Weight 2.5 kg
Standard outfit

automatic level, plumb bob, adjusting wrench,
instruction manual, plastic carrying case

Optional accessories FS1 parallel plate micrometer